Residential Painting


Whether it is interior or exterior paint, hiring a professional painting contractor makes all the difference.

At Gar-Cal our painters’ team is the best in quality. We use an elite preparation process & the highest quality paint material and equipment to provide long-lasting results

Exterior paint will make your home shine. A professional and clean painting job can make your neighbors and visitors notice your house amongst the other ordinary ones.

Exterior Paint

Woodworking solutions to a wide variety of projects. We provide custom installation and painting of doors, crown molding, base boards, wains coating, and mantels. Our installation team will make sure the final product has the quality you are looking for.

Trims & Baseboard Installation

Drywall Repair

Don’t handle repairs yourself, let us do it for you. Drywall ages & deteriorate we can assist you with drywall repairs.

Applying a fresh coat of paint can transform the interior of any home into something wonderful that revitalizes the space. One of the many reasons to repaint your house is to add character, personalize it and make it a place you are happy to go to every day.

Interior Paint

Popcorn Removal

Popcorn-ceiling removal makes a huge difference in a home, it can really transform your place.

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